Saturday, 8 December 2012

I've started!

Nicola very kindly sent me Salley Morse to get my stitching started as Seventeen Sailors still hasn't arrived. Salley is beautiful and I am so looking forward to stitching her. The instructions say not to unpick mistakes - so that is very good news for a novice like me!



  1. Congratulations! I know you will do just fine. I'm in the same boat as you - still waiting for my kits from Scarlet Letter to arrive... I live on the very far north in the Yukon, Canada and it takes sometimes a whole month for mail to arrive here.

  2. Sally Morse is a good one! It is actually on my wish list. I love the border!

  3. You are going to be on linen before you know it. Have fun my dear friend.

  4. Hi Elizabeth, mine arrived on Friday - at the moment I am still drooling over them as I decide which one to start with. Seventeen sailors is a lovely design - good luck with it. I don't know Salley Morse but I look forward to seeing her appear on your new blog.

    Come visit me on mine:

    ... and welcome to the world of stitching and blogging. It is so much fun and you will meet some wonderful online friends.

    hugs, Kaye
