Sunday, 23 December 2012

Grade 8 piano exam next year

CI have set myself a target of doing (and passing) my grade 8 piano exam next year before I am sixty. It has been my ambition since I was eight to do grade 8 piano. My first piano arrived on the back on the Co-op coal lorry on a Saturday afternoon. My dad was the Co-op coalman (and milkman) and one of his customers gave me my first piano and he used the Co-op lorry to bring it home - I wonder if he had permission to do that!!! I thought you might like to have a listen to the pieces I have chosen to play.

My exam will probably be in July next year. I had intended to do it this year but started playing the recorder instead. My DH just loves me playing the recorder (not!). I love it and have reached grade 3 standard in the last six months. Well it is easy - you only need to read one line of music!

The first is Scottish Legend by Amy Beach an American composer - being Scottish of course this music is so evocative of home. I do like playing works by female composers.

You may need to copy and paste  these into your browser.

Scottish legend

Farewell Waltz
The second is Chopin Farewell Waltz. Such a sad piece in many ways as he wrote it after his future mother in law decided he was too unwell to marry her daughter.

Haydn Sonata

The third and last piece is the first movement of a Haydn sonata. I adore this piece by I am not sure I will be able to get it to sound like this lol!

Cecile  Chaminade is my favourite female composer and I adore this piece - Automne. It is a diploma level piece and it is on my to learn list:

I hope you enjoy listening to my grade 8 pieces and the piece by Chaminade.

I've finished Salley Morse

I am so pleased that I have completed my first sampler - Salley Morse. I have really enjoyed stitching her and looking forward to seeing her framed. Underneath Salley's name I put my initials and 2012.

Saturday, 8 December 2012

I've started!

Nicola very kindly sent me Salley Morse to get my stitching started as Seventeen Sailors still hasn't arrived. Salley is beautiful and I am so looking forward to stitching her. The instructions say not to unpick mistakes - so that is very good news for a novice like me!


Monday, 3 December 2012

Well I am still waiting for Seventeen Sailors to arrive but it is giving me time to finish my aran jacket. I have one buttonband to finish and a sleeve so hopefully by the end of the week that will be done and I can start on my new project.

My other news is that my husband is going to give me Elizabeth Brain for Christmas.

Now I know I really have bitten off more than I can chew!